Have you had pest control issues in your rental property?
If so, we’ll discuss what is needed and who should take care of it.
Pests can be pesky creatures! They like to make their homes out on us humans – especially when there’s food around (like crumbs).
This Article will explain in detail “Who is Responsible for Pest Control in a Rental Property?”
Who needs to take care of Pest Control in a Rental Property?
Typically Landlord is responsible for the Pest Control in a Rental Property.
Many landlord pay companies such as Terminix to spray the buildings on monthly or quarterly basis to make sure there are no pest that enter the buildings especially multi unit buildings.
Is Pest Control a Legal Requirement
No Pest Control is not a legal requirement. No one wants to live in a rental property that has pest issues. Hence, most landlords take care of the pest control on monthly or quarterly basis even when its not a legal requirement.
Pest control is the process of identifying, preventing and managing pests. Pests can include insects, rodents, birds and other animals that damage crops, livestock and property.
Pest control may not be a legal requirement in most states, but it is very important to use a pest control service that is licensed and registered with the relevant authority.
Pest control services use a variety of methods to control pests, including baiting, trapping and chemicals.
Pest control can be an important part of protecting your property from damage, and it is important to choose a pest control service that is right for you.
Are Tenants Responsible for Dealing with Pests in a Rental Property?
In most cases Landlords are primarily responsible for Pest Control.
There may be few exceptions, of that will be if the pest infestation is caused by direct actions of the tenant’s lack of housekeeping or lack of cleanliness. This typically make the tenant responsible
Are Rats a Tenant or Landlord Responsibility?
In most cases Landlords are primarily responsible for Rat Problems and Controlling Rat related issues.
There may be few exceptions, of that will be if the Rat infestation is caused by direct actions of the renters lack of housekeeping or lack of cleanliness.
In that case they may have to deal with the issues inside their apartment, basement or small business.
For example if you are a small business owner running a small restaurant, If you don’t clean your facilities, rats might move in and cause a problem.
In this case it’s important to call pest control so they can get rid of the vermin!
Final Thoughts
So, who is responsible for pest control in a rental property?
The answer may not be as clear-cut as you think. In some cases, the tenant is responsible for taking care of pests; in other cases, it’s the landlord’s responsibility.
Keep reading our blog to learn more about your specific situation and what you need to do to keep pests out of your rental property.
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